Sunday, April 2, 2023

Movie Maker

In class we have been working on the design of our own film in select groups. I has been a very interesting process and I have enjoyed it a lot. It was fun to brainstorm ideas and to share them to my group. I liked seeing the reactions of my group mates at the material we were trying to produce, it was so much fun. 

I enjoyed watching all of us work and the fruits of our labor, I think that it is going to be a good video and that the class is going to like the humor in it. It was fun to acts and be the main characters, it is something that is our own and we have control over all of the decisions that are made. 

 It was interesting to be the ones making the decisions after all of the movies that I have seen. It was difficult to be the ones making the choices and to have so much responsibility. We all put a lot of time and effort into something that is very shot which to me was ironic. I didn’t think that something that took so much time would only produce a small amount of film. 

It was nice to see the other side of film making that was the creating. It is always easy to be the guy/girl on the other side of things and being able to judge what we screen but now be are the ones being judged for our work. Other people will be the determinants of how they feel our movie was and the professor is kinda like our rotten tomatoes review which I think is fun. Overall the experience was great and I would do it again and again!

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