Monday, April 17, 2023

Morgan Wallen connection to film

 I was at a concert over the weekend to watch Morgan Wallen, Hardy, Earnest, and Bailey Zimmerman preform. These artists are from the country genre and this is their form of art, it was interesting for me sitting at home after wards to think as I talked with my friends that we judged them on their performance. It made me think of all of the movies that I ave seen and that those people producing the movies also are sharing their art and that they too are actors.

It was a really cool experience to see people running across the stage and interacting with the crowds, it was kind of like what I would image seeing a sitcom in person would be like. Everyone I know who went said it was one of the best performances/events that they had ever been to and started looking for another showing. I just thought it was interesting to see how the people acted and I never really thought of the connection between the art and performances until this class and that was a cool thought. 


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Short Film group blog post assignment

When starting this project our group had a few challenges figuring out where to start. We came up with some good ideas for both cinematography and editing. We use a variety of shots and angles to try and mix up the viewers point of view. Along with that we made some editing choices with cuts and music that help give some more life to the film. With our success we can also look back on some things we can work on for both cinematography and editing. 

In terms of cinematography, I feel like we did a strong job as a group. Some techniques we used include; over the shoulder shots, pans, tight, medium and wide shots. One thing that I wish we were able to utilize better would be the use of dolly shots. Dolly Shots are when the camera moves closer or further away from the subject when shooting. This came as a struggle to our group due to the fact that we didn’t have too stable of a camera for the process. There was no tripod which makes it difficult to get a still/non shaky moving shot. Another obstacle we faced was not being able to zoom in and move out at the same time. This is a dolly zoom, which is famously used by Alfred Hitchcock in many films. I wish we were able to use this effect to add the dramatics of the shots we were filming, sadly our resources limited us to what we could do. 

Editing is more of a preference when working on projects like these. The main issues we had was the software. When I have done previous videos I have been able to utilize adobe premiere pro. This helps with being able to make precise cuts, play proper music tracks, and add special effects that look good. The software used was still efficient(adobe rush), however the sound tracks were limited, along with the precision when it comes to cutting up clips. This may have limited our ability to use the technique of cutting on action. We did use a decent amount of cutting action shots, when door handles were grabbed, walking around corners, and the fight scenes. However, the use of these types of edits have been a little limited due to the fact that the precision is not as exact as on premiere pro. Also due to some shots not exactly lining up as in some people were not in the exact spots before and after the cut, there are some matching cuts that seem a little off. If we had more time we could try and incorporate these little tweaks better. 

Monday, April 3, 2023

The Swiss Army Man man

 The end of the movie was not what I was expecting but it was very well done. I don’t think I was the only on in thinking that there would be a different ending to the movie. It was a very fictional ending to a very fictional movie, but I thought that since they made it back to reality that there might be hope for a more realist undoing. 

The music didn’t disappoint though there were at least three more times where song was able to carry the ending of the movie. There was also the interaction with the people that we see in the film and hear so much about them, we see the girl not take well to Hank. We also see that she has a child and a husband/boyfriend. This means that she was able to start a family without him an that all of the feelings that he felt for her was only in his own head.

The end was a good feeling when the dad was thought to be a very tough guy tuned out to be soft. Although our initial look at the dad was that he didn’t approve of his son embarrassing him and that his views weren’t going to matter to him even though they were valid. But, now that he was able to prove what he experienced, even though to us we know it was fake, he is know able to show is truth and be i the right!

Initial thoughts on Swiss Army man


 My initial thoughts on this movie is that it doesn’t lack imagination. It is a very interesting film with lots of curve balls. I have enjoyed it so far as has our class I think, though I’m not sure that any of us would have guess the type of movie this is. It is almost a musical type movie, there are many examples of the cast breaking out in song to have a montage. It is fun to watch because there is so far nothing out of play that I’ve seen. It has been a little confusing though as to which on of the men is lucid seeing that the main character could be tripping hard and delusion but the Swiss Army man could have just lost everything and ended up being used for sanity. 

I personally think that this is all a dream for the main character and that he is on the brink of death trying to motivate himself for one last push to get home. I am unsure if he is trying to get back to his family and pretending that it is the family of his new friend so that he will find the tools to help him. I also think that it is interesting about some of the language they use and there has been some questionable actions but I thought most of them to me comical. 

I am excited to watch the rest of this movie and I hope that there will be more music and sign alongs. I will keep you guys/girl posted but here is a picture from the movie!!

Reacher Series

 I just recently decide to being watching a series new to mer called Reacher based on the Jack Reacher book series. Before this series arrived it was first done in movie fashion and Tom Cruise was cast as the main character Jack Reacher, he of course had his love interest and there was a thick plot. 

There is so much information in the movie and the series and the coolest parts in my opinion is the small details that lead to big breaks in the cases that they are looking into. They are so minimal such as water moving on the table to show someone’s anxiety. Or the listening to conversations going around to get information on other people involved. 

I would recommend this show to anyone who like a good action series, the show in my option is better than the movie and it is much like the Witcher with Henry Cavil, just a big dude who doesn’t talk much but when he does the people want to listen. 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Movie Maker

In class we have been working on the design of our own film in select groups. I has been a very interesting process and I have enjoyed it a lot. It was fun to brainstorm ideas and to share them to my group. I liked seeing the reactions of my group mates at the material we were trying to produce, it was so much fun. 

I enjoyed watching all of us work and the fruits of our labor, I think that it is going to be a good video and that the class is going to like the humor in it. It was fun to acts and be the main characters, it is something that is our own and we have control over all of the decisions that are made. 

 It was interesting to be the ones making the decisions after all of the movies that I have seen. It was difficult to be the ones making the choices and to have so much responsibility. We all put a lot of time and effort into something that is very shot which to me was ironic. I didn’t think that something that took so much time would only produce a small amount of film. 

It was nice to see the other side of film making that was the creating. It is always easy to be the guy/girl on the other side of things and being able to judge what we screen but now be are the ones being judged for our work. Other people will be the determinants of how they feel our movie was and the professor is kinda like our rotten tomatoes review which I think is fun. Overall the experience was great and I would do it again and again!

Friday, March 31, 2023

Movie I watched:

 I just recently viewed a movie called The Departed, there are many famous actors in this movie. There is young talent like Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio and they do a really great job. There were also veteran actors such as Jack Nicholson and Martin Sheen, these gentlemen really tie together the movie. 

There is so much misdirection and lies and secrets in the film making it a real challenge to follow, it is fun because you feel like you are trying to put together the puzzle like the police trying to find the rat and the rat trying to find the police mole. The premise of the plot is that the snitches are trying to find each other and who will figure it out first without getting killed.

Somehow both the main characters who are the rats in both arenas make it out alive without getting killed by the mob boss. The rat police officer ends up killing the boss in order to cover his own tracks. The misdirection is so fantastic and the costumes and accents, it was a perfectly cast movie. Sorry for the spoiler but I think it crazy that they survive just to all get killed by each other and no one sees any type of jail time, it is all handled outside of the law. 

Morgan Wallen connection to film

 I was at a concert over the weekend to watch Morgan Wallen, Hardy, Earnest, and Bailey Zimmerman preform. These artists are from the countr...